Frequently asked questions about heat pumps
Who is alpha innotec?
Since 1998, alpha innotec has been developing and manufacturing heat pumps in Kasendorf, Upper Franconia. With its core competence in heat pump technology, the manufacturer has its own research and development center, a modern administration building with training center, and production areas of over 24,000 m² (completely heated with heat pumps) and offers an ideal environment for 1.200 employees.
How does a heat pump work anyway?
In principle, the operation of a heat pump is identical to that of a refrigerator: while the refrigerator extracts heat from its interior and releases it to the outside, the heat pump extracts heat from the outside – i.e. the heat source – and releases it as thermal energy to the heating system or the hot water tank.
Learn more: heat pump operating principle
Can a heat pump completely heat the building?
A heat pump can heat an entire building in an energy-efficient and climate-friendly way and even cool it, depending on requirements. Heat pumps come in a wide variety of capacities. The most important thing in the design and installation of a heat pump is the right installer.
How much does a heat pump cost?
A heat pump system is more expensive than a conventional heating system. However, the running costs are significantly lower than for oil or gas.
Does a heat pump also work with radiators or only with underfloor heating?
What is the investment difference in terms of heat source?
Air is of course available free of charge. Geothermal collectors are cheaper than geothermal probes, as there is no need for deep drilling. The costs for the development must be checked in each individual case. In addition, costs for soil expertise, approval procedures, etc. may be incurred.
What is the lifetime of a heat pump?
The average life of a heat pump in normal use is between 15 and 20 years. Many heat pump systems have been running for over 25 years without any problems.
Where can I find the operating instructions?
The operating instructions for your heat pump, the heat pump control and the accessories required for operation are enclosed with all heat pumps in printed form. However, if you have lost an instruction manual, you can find your manuals via the manual search.
Can I also control the heat pump with my smartphone?
Yes, alpha innotec offers its own smart home solutions and apps for controlling heat pumps.
Why a heat pump at all? Arguments in favor?
Compared with heating systems using fossil fuels, heat pumps score points for their eco-balance, energy efficiency and sustainability. They are also unbeatable in terms of cost efficiency over their service life.
Can a heat pump cool?
Yes, heat pumps are the only heating system that can also be used for cooling. With many heat pumps, the cooling function is already integrated, some models can also be retrofitted.
What is the difference between a sonde borehole and a well borehole?
Sonde drilling uses the earth as an energy source, while well drilling uses groundwater. In both cases, the nature of the heat source must be tested in advance.
What is actually geothermal energy?
Energy is stored in the ground through solar radiation or precipitation. The temperature in the ground is constant throughout the year, around 8 - 10 °C depending on the region. The heat pump uses this energy to generate heat.
Are there any special requirements for the installation / technical room?
For an air-to-water heat pump installed outside, you only need the space for the hot water tank and the various accessories. For this purpose, even a niche in a storeroom is enough. In the garden, the heat pump requires a footprint of less than 2m², but the distances from buildings and borders must be taken into account. For indoor heat pumps a little more space is needed, but in most cases a room of 8-12m² is enough.